
List of widgets you can use with Xenon theme

From-to based counters who start counting once they appear on screen and they are all available in 15 color variants.

0.0% Server uptime
1k Users Total
1000 New Daily Photos
-,0% Exchange Commission
0.0% Server uptime
Result 78% Increase
0 Photos Taken
Increase 512 more photos
0k Daily Visits
Bounce Rate 51.55%
24/7 Live Support
Tickets Opened 0
likes 0
Likes p/ Month 41% more likes
chat lines 0
Chat lines p/ Month 82% more communication
audio views 0
Audio views p/ Month 40% more coverage
appointments 0
Appointments p/ Month -32% less this week
0,0% Video Views
0,0% Document Downloads
0 New Topics Published
0 Traffic Delivered

Example todo list widget with color 13 variants.

to do list Tasks
to do list Tasks
to do list Tasks
to do list Tasks

Status Widget
Auto-switch text status widget with control navigation with 3 color variants: Facebook, Twitter and Google, more can be created.

  • 21 May

    Build your own Fake Twitter Post now! Check it out @ simitator.com #laborator #envato

  • 18 April

    Micro-finance clean water sustainable future Oxfam protect. Enabler meaningful work change-makers.

  • 08 March

    Fight against malnutrition Aga Khan Bloomberg, economic independence inspire breakthroughs benefit civil.

  • 21 May

    Build your own Fake Twitter Post now! Check it out @ simitator.com #laborator #envato

  • 18 April

    Micro-finance clean water sustainable future Oxfam protect. Enabler meaningful work change-makers.

  • 08 March

    Fight against malnutrition Aga Khan Bloomberg, economic independence inspire breakthroughs benefit civil.

  • 21 May

    Build your own Fake Twitter Post now! Check it out @ simitator.com #laborator #envato

  • 18 April

    Micro-finance clean water sustainable future Oxfam protect. Enabler meaningful work change-makers.

  • 08 March

    Fight against malnutrition Aga Khan Bloomberg, economic independence inspire breakthroughs benefit civil.

Single News
Single image news widget with date on hover and gradient background.

Light comment listing widget in a flat style.

Conversations Chatting arround

  • Jack Gates

    In it except to so temper mutual tastes mother. Interested cultivated its continuing now yet are.
    Out interested acceptance our partiality affronting unpleasant why add. Esteem garden me...

  • 史密斯 5

    Age sold some full like rich new. Amounted repeated as believed in confined juvenile.

  • Bryan Green

    Stuff sight equal of my woody. Him children bringing goodness suitable she entirely put far daughter.

Weather Widget
Animated weather background with daily and weekly forecast.

Now 21°

San Francisco, USA

  • 12°
  • 13°
  • 16°
  • 19°
  • 21°
  • 25°
  • 21°
  • 23°
  • 19°
  • 18°
  • 20°

Map Stats
Interactive vector map with markers and statistics.

Top Destinations

3 month period

  • 5k Los Angeles
  • 2k Barcelona
  • 311 Helsinki
  • 892 Sao Paolo